After – 17 months

I don’t have a lot to say these days.  Life keeps moving forward.  I miss my dad and think about him every day.  I still have moments that make me cry. Especially when I see cute old men that remind me of my dad at the grocery store.  I want to go up to them and ask them if I can hug them, but that is probably inappropriate and they would think I was crazy.

My mom got her mission call for her church. She will be serving in Salt Lake as a church and family history missionary.  So if you are ever at Temple Square in Salt Lake in the next year and you see a cute older lady wearing a tag that says “Sister Swenson” on it, go give her a big hug.  She leaves September 4th.  We are happy she will be so close and we will still get to see her often.  She is excited and says she feels like she is going to college all over again.  I hope she meets lots of new people and starts a new chapter in her life.

My friend went to see Theresa Caputo (Long Island Medium) a few weeks ago.  Some of you will probably roll your eyes, but I totally love her.  Her show has given me so much comfort over the past few years.  One thing my friend told me she said was that there are no coincidences.  If you feel like something is a sign from a loved one then it is.  Take that for whatever you think it is worth.  But for me it is worth a lot.

We have a robin, or a bunch of robins (how do I really tell them apart), that like to come in our backyard and sit in our pear tree. I’ve told the story of the pear tree in this post.  It’s not a very big tree, especially since dad cut the whole top of it off.  We have 12 other huge tall maples in our yard, but they like the pear tree.  So I always feel like it is my dad saying “I’m ok.  I love you.  I miss you too.”  I told my husband that is what I thought and he just kinda gave me weird smile and said “Ok honey, if that makes you feel better.”  It does make me feel better.
