Another “First” Overwith….

Facebook post Sunday August 18th,

I usually don’t post my religious views on Facebook as I respect everyone’s beliefs even if they differ from mine, but today I am very thankful for my belief in eternal families. 46 years ago today my parents were married in the Manti LDS temple. I believe families can be together forever. What a great example my parents are to me. Knowing I will be with my dad again and my whole family is comforting.



One of those few “good” things about knowing my dad’s time was short is that we threw my parents a surprise 45th wedding anniversary party last year.  I posted about it here.  I am so glad we did it.  What a great memory for all of us.



After – 6 Months – Birthday

“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.” Mitch Albom from Tuesdays With Morrie.

Today would have been my dad’s 69th birthday. I miss him. It is hard to believe it has been 6 months. It seems longer than that, and also so much shorter than that. I imagine him in heaven today with a big birthday cake shaped like a fish celebrating the day he came to this world and all the lives he touched just because he was him.

Love you Dad.


We will be having a cake tonight to celebrate all the wonderful memories we have of dad. My husband thinks it is a little weird, but I want to do it, and when I told my 5 year old this morning that it was Grandpa’s birthday she immediately asked what kind of cake we were having.  So there is no way not to have one now.

Mom is hanging in there. It has been an emotional few days.  Sunday was 6 months since dad died, and today his birthday.  On the 18th will be Mom & Dad’s 46th wedding anniversary. Lots of “firsts” this month.  It is really hard to believe that we have made it half way through the first year already.  Like I said above, it seems like it has been longer and it seems like it has been shorter.  I can honestly say though that it is easier.  I still hate it as much as day one, but it isn’t as sharp anymore.  I can keep the cry scale at about .05 now.  Which is great progress.